The Department of Culture and Learning
CO-LEARN - Collaborative Organizational Learning
The Department of Culture and Learning
CO-LEARN - Collaborative Organizational Learning
CO-LEARN conducts research with organizations undergoing transitions, changes, innovations, and improvements. Through our research, we encourage creative thinking and the development of environments that foster both internal and external dialogue, organizational reflection, and genuine curiosity about different perspectives (both human and non-human). All researchers in the group contribute to addressing significant societal agendas, such as sustainability, well-being, children's and youths’ well-being from early childhood to higher education, social and global inequality, and other complex issues.
Using inclusive and collaborative research approaches, including action research, co-evaluation, design-based research, and other participatory methods, we provide insights into how these agendas impact organizations, their work environments, democratic opportunities, and more. Consequently, we contribute to societal value creation and organizational development in public, private, and voluntary organizations.
Books by CO-LEARN
Members of CO-LEARN have contributed to a wide range of books on organizational learning, leadership development, and action research. Read more about some of the books here.
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
Phone: +45 9940 3440