The Doctoral Programme Culture and Learning

The Doctoral Programme Culture and Learning

What we work towards
The Doctoral programme ensures an ongoing contact with PhD students and follow-up regarding supervision, progress reports, research stays, etc. In collaboration with the research groups of the department, the Doctoral programme also organises PhD courses on various subjects relevant to the PhD students.
The goal of the Doctoral programme Culture and Learning is to establish the best possible professional and social framework for supporting both the course of study and academic development of the PhD students. Every PhD student is assigned a researcher at the department as supervisor for the project, and the PhD student will also be affiliated as member of one of the research groups at the Department of Culture and Learning and be part of its activities and meetings. The affiliation to a research group is meant as a support for the PhD project through involvement in an academic environment, activities, meetings, etc. as well as development of collaboration opportunities.
Research areas covered by PhD students at the programme include – but is not limited to – culture, education, organisation, media, literature, globalisation, discourse, philosophy, migration, tourism, gender, language, learning, innovation, digital technologies, health, data, consumption, methodologies, or evaluation.
The Doctoral Programme Culture and Learning
The Department of Culture and Learning
News from the Doctoral Programme
Phone: 9940 7465
Kroghstræde 3, 9220 Aalborg Ø
Phone: 9940 3062
Kroghstræde 3, 9220 Aalborg Øst