Department of Culture and Learning
Social and Human science Approaches to Research in Education and Problem-Based Learning (SHARE-PBL)

Department of Culture and Learning
Social and Human science Approaches to Research in Education and Problem-Based Learning (SHARE-PBL)

SHARE-PBL's work ranges from knowledge within global, international and national educational policy and educational practice to knowledge about the formation and learning processes of groups and individuals.
SHARE-PBL currently conducts research within different learning contexts (institutional, workplace-based, informal, higher education and primary school), and also works to analyse/evaluate policy, curricula, teaching and learning practices.
The work of the group includes three focus areas within educational and pedagogical research. All fields are also closely connected to research on problem-based and project-oriented learning:
- Learning and change processes
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Education and Bildung
SHARE-PBL is affiliated with the Institute of Advanced Study in PBL at Aalborg University.