![Different children taking a test in class. Image by Christian Fuglsang Rasmussen](https://prod-aaudxp-cms-001-app.azurewebsites.net/media/loojpoy3/test-og-inklusion-redigeret.png?width=2)
Education access under the reign of testing and inclusion
![Different children taking a test in class. Image by Christian Fuglsang Rasmussen](https://prod-aaudxp-cms-001-app.azurewebsites.net/media/loojpoy3/test-og-inklusion-redigeret.png?width=2)
Across the globe, education today takes place in a setting between competing agendas: one is the testing agenda and the other is the inclusion agenda. These agendas hold major implications in terms of access to education for students all over the world.
The agendas of testing and inclusion point to a dilemma between, on the one hand, ideals about accountability, assessment, and measurable levels of success and, on the other hand, ambitions to create a school system that can support possibilities of participation and learning for all students, that is, universal education access, regardless of special needs, social background, gender, ethnicity, religion, or other defining labels.
The purposes of this research project are to 1) map and analyze this dilemma, as it is in evidence in a number of selected national contexts; 2) draw conclusions about the implications in terms of educational access; and 3) present solutions for the improvement of educational access.
Bringing together researchers from five different countries on four continents, the project team consists of one PI, four postdocs, one research assistant and five senior partners.
The case countries of the project are Argentina, Denmark, England, Israel and China. They have been chosen for their contrasting education policies, sociocultural and economic circumstances, and variations in performance across supranational and national standardized student assessments. The selected countries have all introduced national tests and inclusion reforms.
The project is funded by ► Independent Research Fund Denmark under the Sapere Aude programme.
![Overview: Case Countries](https://prod-aaudxp-cms-001-app.azurewebsites.net/media/ltjmozkf/993356_case-countries_1.jpeg?width=2)
Methodological approach
This project has hosted 3 events: Preliminary workshop at Aalborg University in 2020, A workshop at Oxford University on the projects double special issue and the an End Conference in the Danish Parliment where end results and recommendations from the project was showcased. Pictures from the workshop and conference can be seen at the bottom of this page.