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Reproductive technologies and the remaking of life and death

This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together social science scholars exploring how technologies remake life and death at the beginning of life. Dedicated to how questions of family, kinship, race, gender, sexuality and disabilities intersect, the conference seeks contributions that unpack how reproductive inequalities and current local and global forms of reproductive and population politics unfold. The conference takes place at Aalborg University in Copenhagen during what we hope will be a sunny August, 2023. Only in-person attendance will be possible.

Register here


Reproductive technologies and the remaking of life and death

This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together social science scholars exploring how technologies remake life and death at the beginning of life. Dedicated to how questions of family, kinship, race, gender, sexuality and disabilities intersect, the conference seeks contributions that unpack how reproductive inequalities and current local and global forms of reproductive and population politics unfold. The conference takes place at Aalborg University in Copenhagen during what we hope will be a sunny August, 2023. Only in-person attendance will be possible.

Register here


Prof. Monica J. Casper, Department of Sociology, San Diego State University

Prof. Chia-ling Wu, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University

Prof. Thomas Lemke, Institute of Sociology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Kate Reed, Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield

Important dates

  • Call for panels (Abstract 500 words): Deadline April 1, 2023
  • Call for papers (Abstract 500 words): Deadline April 1, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: April , 2023

    We have sent acceptance letters out today 28th April. Please check your Spam Filter for letters from Easychair, or write to TechnoDeathconference@ikl.aau.dk if you have questions.

  • Last date for registration: Aug 1st, 2023
  • Conference 24th-25th August 2023


Principal Investigator Stine Willum Adrian
Phone: +45 6196 7174
Jeanette Arboe
If you have problems with submitting your proposal, please contact Jeanette
Phone: +45 9940 3062