ResearchLab: IT, Learning & Design (ILD) is investigating and developing new processes for learning using IT, where focus is to qualify and facilitate learning and enhancing creativity and innovation. The activities and the facilities of the ILD Lab are anchored in Aalborg University, Copenhagen, and its members stem from two department the department of Learning and Philosophy (L-ILD) and the department of communication (K-ILD). The ILD Lab is working to develop cooperation with other research environments on AAU, nationally and internationally.
The ILD Lab researchers, students and partners develop new and innovative learning processes using IT. The research is also connected to the existing undergraduate and graduate programs (such as the MSc program in IT, learning and organizational chance, the Master in ICT and learning (MIL), and the Master Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA).
ILD works due to scientific, operational and practical research with external partners. The ILD Lab rates highly on ICT in primary and higher education. The research has focus on new forms of learning, multimodality and interaction in technology-intensive learning environments, which are essential for innovation of education, business and other organizations. Research in the ILD Lab incorporates learning in and outside the educational system.
AAU has a national and an international leading position within the field of IT, learning and education. The ILD lab provides a necessary research contribution to the digital development which is corresponding to the development within the primary and higher education.